

  1. Amaya, J. On the convergence of curvilinear search algorithms in unconstrained minimization. Operations Research Letters, 4(1), 1985.
  2. Amaya J. (1986) The armijo step rule adapted to gradient path algorithms. In: Contesse B. L., Correa F. R., Weintraub P. A. (eds) Recent Advances in System Modelling and Optimization. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, vol 87. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  3. Amaya, J. A differential equations approach to function minimization. Revista de Matemáticas Aplicadas, Universidad de Chile, 4(1-7), 1987. ISSN 0716-3096. PDF
  4. Amaya, J. Convergence of curvilinear search algorithms to second order points. Revista de Matemáticas Aplicadas, Universidad de Chile, 10(71-79), 1989.  ISSN 0716-5803. PDF
  5. Amaya, J. Numerical experiments with the affine scaling algorithm on degenerate linear programming problems. Optimization, 27(51‑62), 1993.
  6. Amaya, J. On the symmetric affine scaling algorithm for linear programming. Optimization, 32(147-158), 1995.
  7. Amaya, J. and G. de Ghellinck. Duality for inexact linear programming problems. Optimization, 39(137-150), 1997.
  8. Amaya, J. y J. A. Gómez. Strong duality for inexact linear programming. Optimization, vol. 49, pp. 243-269, 2001.
  9. Gómez, J. A., P. Bosch and J. Amaya. Duality for Inexact Semi-Infinite Linear Programming. Optimization, vol. 54, pp. 1-25, 2005.
  10. Amaya, J. and M. A. Goberna. On the stability for Linear Systems with an Exact Constraint Set. Mathematical Methods for Operations Research, 63, pp. 107-121, 2004.
  11. Ferland, J., J. Amaya and M. S. Djuimo.  Application of a Particle Swarm Algorithm to the Capacitated Open Pit Mining Problem. In: Mukhopadhyay S.C., Gupta G.S. (eds) Autonomous Robots and Agents. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 76. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007.
  12. Amaya, J., P. Bosch and M. A. Goberna. Stability of the feasible set mapping of linear systems with an exact constraint set. Set Valued Analysis, 16, No. 5-6, pp. 621-635, 2006.
  13. Alvarez, F., J. Amaya, A. Griewank and N. Strogies. A continuous framework for open pit mine planning. Mathematical Methods for Operations Research, Vol 73, pp 29-54, 2011.
  14. Lagos, G., D. Espinoza, E. Moreno and J. Amaya. Robust planning for an open-pit mining problem under ore-grade uncertainty. Electronic Notes on Discrete Mathematics, Vol 37, pp 15-20, 2011.
  15. Amaya, J., D. Peeters, P. Uribe and J-P. Valenzuela. Optimization modeling for resource allocation in the Chilean public educational system. IRSR-International Regional Science Review, 39(2) 155-176, 2016.
  16. Saavedra-Rosas, J., E. Jélvez, J. Amaya and N. Morales. Optimizing Open Pit Block Scheduling with Exposed Ore Reserve. Journal of Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Vol. 116, pp 655-662, July 2016.
  17. Silva, JD., J. Amaya and F. Basso. Developing a predictive model of fragmentation using drilling and blasting data in open pit mining. Journal of Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Vol. 117, Nov. 2017.
  18. Amaya, J. and P. Uribe. A model and computational tool for crew scheduling in train transportation of mine materials by using a local search strategy. TOP-Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research. (26)383-402, 2018.
  19. Hofstädter, R., J. Amaya and M. Kozek. Energy optimal control of thermal comfort in trams. Applied Thermal Engineering. 143 (2018) 812-821, 2018.
  20. Amaya, J., C. Hermosilla and E. Molina. Optimality conditions for the continuous model of the final open pit problem.  Optimization Letters. 2019.
  21. Morales, N., G. Nelis and J. Amaya. An efficient method for optimizing nested open pits with operational bottom spaceITOR-Intl. Trans. in Op. Res. 31 (2024) 1609–1630.  PDF

Submitted and ongoing articles

  1. Aguayo, C., J. Amaya and S. Limbourg. Optimizing Short Food Supply Chains: A Distribution Network Model with Heterogeneous Capacitated Vehicles. Submitted , August, 2023.  Manuscript

Chapters in books and proceedings

  1. Munizaga-Rosas, José, M. A. Alfaro and J. Amaya.  An Evolutionary Model for Underground Mining Planning. In: Mass Min Proceedings. Ed. Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, 2004. PDF
  2. Soto, L., R. Sanchez and J. Amaya. Target Data Projection in Multivariate Visualization: an Application to Mine Planning. In: Computational Science and its Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 0302-9743(3044): pp. 603 -612.  A. Laganá et al (Eds). Springer Verlag, 2004.  PDF
  3. Amaya, J., P. Cartigny and A. Rapaport. El modelamiento matemático aplicado al estudio de los recursos marinos y su manejo. En: Valoración, uso y perspectivas de la biodiversidad marina, pp. 211-233, Ed. Universitaria, Santiago, 2005. PDF
  4. Maureira, J.C., P. Uribe, O. Dalle, T. Asahi and J. Amaya. Component based approach using OMNeT++ for train communication modeling. Proceedings: ITST2009, International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications, pp. 441-446. International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications, Lille, France, 2009.  ISBN: 9781424453467PDF
  5. Amaya, J., D. Espinoza, Goycoolea, M., E. Moreno, Th. Prévost and E. Rubio. A scalable approach to optimal block scheduling. In: APCOM2009, Applications of Computers on Mining Industry, pp. 567-575. Vancouver, Canada, 2009. PDF
  6. Amaya, J., H. Ramírez and P. Uribe. Application of local search to crew scheduling. In: Monografías Matemáticas “García de Galdeano” n° 38, pp 23-32, ISBN: 978-84-15770-81-7, 2013.   LINK  PDF
  7. Julio, C., J. Amaya, A. Lamghari and N. Morales. Optimal Economic Envelope of Joint Open-Pit and Underground Mines. In: APCOM2015, Applications of Computers on Mining Industry,   pp. 343-351. S. Bandopadhyay (Ed). Fairbanks, Alaska. 2015. PDF
  8. Molina, E. and J. Amaya. Analytical properties of the feasible and optimal profiles in the binary programming formulation of open pit. In: APCOM2017, Applications of Computers on Mining Industry, pp. (17)25 –32, Golden-Colorado, 2017. PDF
  9. Molina, E. and J. Amaya. Characterizing the optimal profile of the open pit problem in the continuous framework. In: APCOM2017, Applications of Computers on Mining Industry, pp. (17)33 –40, Golden-Colorado, 2017. PDF
  10. Amaya, J., E. Molina, N. Morales and P. Uribe. Optimization model for rostering and crew assignment for train transportation. In: Mining Goes Digital. Mueller et al. (Eds) © Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 419-425. ISBN 978-0-367-33604-2. 2019.  PDF
  11. Morales, N., G. Nelis, F. Saavedra, J. Amaya and R. Gómez.  Using precedence constraints to model the geometry of optimal mining envelopes. In: APCOM2023, Intelligent Mining: Innovation, Vision and Value. Rapid City, South Dakota, 2023.   PDF

Contributions to public policies 

  1. Amaya, J. Los desafíos de estructuración en la sociedad de la información. In: Hacia la Sociedad de la Información: Desafíos del Sistema Estadístico Chileno. Ed. INE-Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas. ISBN: 956-7952-01-9. March 2000. PDF
  2. Muñoz, J. C. et al (co-author) Ciudades y cambio climático en Chile:  Recomendaciones desde la evidencia científica. Santiago: Comité Científico COP25; Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología, Conocimiento e Innovación.  November 2019.  PDF
  3. Amaya, J, C. Canals, A. Mizala, P. Rodríguez, P. Uribe and J.P. Valenzuela. Planificación Territorial de la Oferta Escolar Pública.  Policy Brief: VID-Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Desarrollo, Universidad de Chile. October 2021.  PDF
  4. Scientific Committee on Climate Change (co-author). The Chilean Potential for Exporting Renewable Energy. Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation. November 2021.  LINKPDF