Current projects
- 2020-2024 Fondecyt Regular 1201311. Cortical bone assessment using ultrasonic guided waves: Towards a robust clinical measurement, Co-PI (PI J.-G. Minonzio, UV)
- 2019-2022 Fondecyt Regular 1191903. Mathematical Inverse Problems in Photon Transport, Elasticity Imaging and Wave Propagation, Applications to Biomedical Images and Earth Sciences. Director, Co-PI Matías Courdurier (PUC)
- 2018-2020 Núcleo Milenio en Resonancia Magnética Cardiovascular. Miembro.
Director S. Uribe, CIB-PUC.
- 2018-2020 Math-Amsud Math-Geo 18-MATH-04 Mathematical methods for Geophysical flows. Director in Chile, General Director D. Sciamarella, CNRS-Conicet-UBA.
- 2019-2021 Basal Center for Mathematical Modeling CMM. Associated Member
- 2018-2022 Fondap Center for Climate Change and Resilience CR2. Member, Director Maisa Rojas, Geophysics Dept. U. Chile
Finished projects
- 2009-2018 Basal Center for Mathematical Modeling CMM. Associated Member
- 2013-2017 Fondap Center for Climate Change and Resilience CR2. Miembro Asociado, Director L. Gallardo, Geophysics Dept. U. Chile
- 2015-2018 Fondecyt-CONICYT 1151512 Inverse Problems in Physical Sciences
and Engineering. Personal Project. Director
- 2016-2017 Ecos C14U01 Estimating black carbon emissions by assimilating aerosol
absorption optical depth. Member, Director N. Hunneus, Geophysics Dept. U. Chile
- 2015-2016 Math-Amsud SOCDE 15MATH-02 Sparse Optimal Control of Differential Equations: Algorithms and Applications. Associated Member, Director P. Gajardo UTFSM
- 2014-2015 Math-Amsud COSIP 14MATH-03 Control Systems and Identification Problems. Associate Member. Director E. Cerpa UTFSM
- 2013-2015 Anillo-ACPA Analysis of Control Problems and Applications. Associate Member. Director E. Hernández UTFSM
- 2011-2014 FONDECYT-CONICYT 1110290 Inverse Problems in Partial Differential Equations with Applications
- 2009-2011 CONICYT-CNRS-CMM-MathAmsud. Controllability and inverse problems in PDE’s (CIP-PDE). Director. Director in France: Jean-Michel Coron, Paris 6.
- 2007-2011 ICDB Instituto de Din\’amica Celular y Biotecnología. Member of the Mathematical Modeling group
- 2005-2009 FONDAP-CONICYT 15000001 Center for Mathematical Modeling CMM. Associate Member
- 2007-2009 FONDEF D05LI0211 Herramientas para la Formación de Profesores de Matemáticas. Member
- 2006-2010 SAEMC-IAI South American Emissions, Megacities and Climate:
Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, Sao Paulo. IAI Inter American Institute for Global Change. Responsable Laura Gallardo. Member (co-PI)
- 2006-2009 FONDECYT-CONICYT 1061263 Global Carleman Inequalities in Controllability and Inverse Problems
- 2005-2007 ECOS-CONICYT CO4E08 Controllability and Inverse Problems. French-Chilean Cooperation Project. French Director: O. Kavian (U. Versailles). Chilean director
- 2007-2009 CONICYT-INRIA-STIC-Amsud. Air quality prediction with data assimilation Argentina-Chile-France. General Director
- 2003-2005 FONDECYT-CONICYT 1030808-7030059-7040165 Controlability of PDE’s, Unique Continuation, Carleman Inequalities and Applications
- 2000-2005 FONDAP-CONICYT 15000001 Center for Mathematical Modeling. Member
- 2003-2006 CNRS-ACI Modélisation mathématique et numérique du
système respiratoire. French Responsable: Marc Briane. Chilean team member
- 2004 UMESAM-IAI Urban Mobile Emissions in South America Mega Cities: Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Lima, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, Sao Paulo. IAI InterAmerican Institute
for Global Change. Responsable: Laura Gallardo. Member (co-PI)
- 2002-2004 ECOS-CONICYT CO1E02 Partial Differential Equations in Mechanics and Physics. Modeling, Control and Scientific Computation. French-Chilean Cooperation Project. Chilean director, J.-P. Puel French director.
- 2001-2003 FONDEF D00I 1068 Interface dynamic models in fusion, conversion and refinement in Teniente Copper Converter. Applied Mathematics Project. Member
- 2000-2002 FONDECYT-CONICYT 1000955-7000955 Theoretical and Numerical Study of Controllability in Fluid-Structure Interaction Systems