
Axel OssesInverse Problems, Control and Modeling in PDE

My research is linked to control and inverse problems in partial differential equations. There is now an important number of young researchers working in these subjects in first range institutions in Chile. It is important to continue to attract young researchers with capacities to innovate in controllability, inverse problems in PDEs and their applications in the region. I am interested interdisciplinary research areas as Climate Change and Resilience, Earth modeling, Biology, Medicine and Astronomy and I am convinced that our scientific advance is possible by generating interdisciplinary work between high level and active groups.

Axel Osses

PhD Applied Mathematics, École Polytechnique, France

Research interests: Inverse problems, control theory, modeling in PDE’s

Current positions:

e-mail: axosses-at-dim-dot-uchile-dot-cl

Postal address: DIM/CMM, U. de Chile, Beauchef 851, Edificio Norte, piso 5, Casilla 170/3 Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.

Tel: +56 2 2978 4443 (Administrative Secretary)
+56 2 2978 4994 (Office)