Short bio

Professor of Mathematical Optimization and Linear Algebra at the Department of Mathematical Engineering (DIM) and researcher at the Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM), University of Chile. I am also associate researcher to the Center of Energy (CE, University of Chile)

At CMM, I belong to the group NETWORKS-Sustainable Networks for Energy and Resource Allocation-, where I have conducted numerous research and development projects in the field of modeling and applications of Mathematics to the industry. I authored  numerous scientific publications in the field of Applied Mathematics and Operations Research, chapters in books, numerous consulting technical reports and more than 50 invited conferences in international congresses and seminars.

From 2014, I am associate editor of Journal TOP (official Journal of the Spanish Society for Statistics and Operations Research). Along several years, I have conducted various projects on applications of mathematical modeling and software development to industrial and real-world problems, in various fields as resources allocation, mining, energy, planning production and education, among others. Particularly, three of those projects have been developed in the context of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (VI and VII) and many others have been funded by Chilean agencies, as FONDECYT, FONDEF, CORFO, among others.

Other activities