Some relevant projects (PI)
Past projects
- 1985-2015: Several projects funded by FONDECYT-CONICYT (the National Agency for Science and Technology). Optimization and Mathematical Programming. Results: Analytical properties and numerical algorithms.
- 2000-2003 (co PI): Complex Systems and Industrial Applications, FONDEF-CONICYT. Modeling with applications to mine planning and telecommunications fraud. Models, algorithms and software prototype.
- 2002-2004 (co PI): Model development for image processing with medical applications, FONDEF-CONICYT. Mathematical modeling and software development for image processing and assisted surgery.
- 2005-2008 (co PI): MODURBAN, Modular Urban Guided Rail Systems, WP16. Contract P6-PLT-516380, VI Framework Programme, European Commission. Mathematical modeling and software development for the control and optimization of thermal conditions in underground urban transportation systems (Metro).
- 2005-2008 (co PI): INTEGRAIL, Intelligent Integration of Railway Systems, WP3D_05. Contract PL 012526, VI Framework Programme, European Commission. Integrated Project in the context of VI Framework Programme, European Commission, with 38 private companies and universities. Design and software for telecommunications protocols in high speed long distance interurban trains.
- 2007-2010: Complex Systems and Evolutionary computation, with applications to mine planning. FONDEF-CONICYT. Optimization models for strategic extraction planning in open-pit mines. Models, algorithms and software in a HPC (High Performance Computing) environment.
- 2009-2010: OPTIMAL CAMP. EL SALVADOR Division, CODELCO-Chile. Demographic evolution models, health care prediction models, school’s location and educational resources assignment, urban expansion models. Models and software for efficient management of the mine camp.
- 2008-2011: FCAB-Antofagasta Minerals Railway Co. Mathematical models and software development for crew scheduling and rostering in the mining industry. Optimization models and practical computational systems.
- 2011-2013 (co PI): Development of a Social-Behavior Modeling and Simulation Framework for Assessing Policies in Response to Crisis. Financed by U.S. Air Force & U.S. ARMY. Development of mathematical tools for the expansion of fear, with the use of different data sources: the case of the H1N1 pandemic in Chile.
- 2012-2014 (co PI): OSIRIS, Optimal Strategy to Innovate and Reduce Energy Consumption in Urban Rail Systems. Project 284868, VII Framework Program. European Commission. With 17 academic and industrial partners, the project aim was to generate models and software for thermal analysis and control in urban underground transportations systems. Models, algorithms and software development.
- 2013-2014: Network for the development of a software prototype for energy efficiency in urban rail transportation systems. DRI-CONICYT (Programa de Energías). Model and software for energy management in a urban railway network.
- 2013-2014: Mathematical model and software for energy efficiency in transportation. AChEE-Agencia Chilena de Eficiencia Energética. Software for energy balance in urban railway systems. Application to Metro-Santiago and Merval.
- 2016-2018: Optimal integration of solar energy in the planning and operation of public urban transportation systems. FONDEF-CONICYT. Mathematical models and computational system for energy balance. The commercial software has been transferred to a private company.
- 2016-2018: MORE, Modeling and Optimization of Resources for Education. CORFO-INNOVA. Mathematical models and computational system for public school’s location and efficient resources assignment. The commercial software has been transferred to a private company.
- 2016-2018: General algorithms for enrollment prediction in University courses, using big data analysis and machine learning techniques. CORFO-INNOVA. Models for data analysis and practical computational system. The commercial software has been transferred to a private company.
- 2020-2020: Prediction models for students enrollement in undergraduate studies. DUOC-UC. Statistical modeling and computational application.
- 2020-2021: SmarTrack, an IA system for ships positioning tracking and prediction. Program AVANTE 2020, Armada de Chile. Models and computer system for spatial data analysis, trajectory prediction and outliers detection.
- 2022-2023: Optimization models to improve the effectiveness of the work of prevention experts. ACHS. Development and implementation of an optimization model for tasks assignment.
- 2023-2024: Modeling and optimization of bifacial photovoltaic panels. ENEL. Modeling and development of an optimal control system for bifacial photovoltaic panels.
- 2022-2024: Risk Monitoring System for Mining Tailings Deposits. FONDEF-ANID. Development of a monitoring system and indicators for failure risks of inactive tailings deposits, based on satellite information processing.
- 2022-2024: Computational model for the construction of engineering course timetables. School of Engineering and FACSO (U. of Chile). Optimization models for the undergraduate timetables and enrollment processes.
Ongoing projects
- 2023-2025: Electromobilité: gestion des points de charge pour véhicules électriques dans les villes et les entreprises. Programme VII CMP Chili-Wallonie-Bruxelles.
- 2024-2024: FCAB-Antofagasta Minerals Railway Co. Modeling and software construction for crew scheduling assignment for mining transportation industry.
- 2024-2024: SARCAN-Mathematical modeling and software construction to determine optimal routes for interurban passenger buses.
In preparation
- 2023-2025: Monitoring of peatlands, terrestrial and marine forests: emerging ecosystems for carbon-neutrality. AGCID-EU. Multidisciplinary approach for the characterization of carbon accumulation in peatlands, marine and terrestrial forests through robust analytics using sensors, satellite information and field data.
- 2025-2029: Using Artificial Intelligence for the optimal location and sizing of charging stations to promote electromobility. Implementation of a computer system to allows the optimal location for charging stations of private and public transportation electric vehicles in big cities.