- IPMAS2022 Inverse Problems, Methods, Applications and Synergies. The organization of this hybrid workshop is a joint effort of the Millennium Nucleus For Applied Control And Inverse Problems (ACIP), the Center for Mathematical Modeling (CMM-U. de Chile) and Millennium Institute for Intelligent Healthcare Engineering (iHEALTH). The objective is to put together the state of the art of different methodologies of inverse problems with real applications in Astronomy, Medicine and Neuroscience, and promote the synergies to share scientific and algorithmic methods in inverse problems.
- IPMAS2022 Web site
- Datacardio2020 Data based modeling in the cardiovascular system. January 15 th-16th, 2020, CMM-ICBM (PUC), Santiago. El objetivo del encuentro fue incentivar el intercambio de nuevas técnicas de modelamiento directo e inverso del sistema cardiovascular basadas en datos, técnicas también útiles en otros ámbitos del modelamiento en biomecánica.
- Datacardio2020 Web site
- IPMAS2019 Inverse Problems, Methods, Applications and Sinergies. January 15th-18th, 2019, CMM-PUC, Santiago, Chile. The objective of the workshop is to put together the state of the art of different methodologies of inverse problems with real applications in Astronomy, Medicine, Geophysics and Mining and promote the synergies to share scientific and algorithmic methods in inverse problems.
- IPMAS2019 Web site
- MM2018 Multiscale Modeling and Methods: Application in Engineering, Biology and Medicine. January 8th-12th, 2018, CMM, Santiago, Chile. The methods combine microscopic and macroscopic descriptions of the phenomena. The application of these methods allows creating new more adequate and more precise models in biology and medicine.
- MM2018 Web site
- IP-Phys2015 Inverse Problems in the Physical Sciences. August 3rd-5th, 2015, CMM, Santiago, Chile. This is a satellite conference of the «XVIII International Congress on Mathematical Physics» ICMP2015, to be held also in Santiago, from July 27th to August 1st, 2015. The goal of this satellite conference is to create new connections and to enrich the interactions among researchers in the mathematical inverse problems and the mathematical physics communities, including astronomy and medicine.
- IP-Phys2015 Web site
- CPIP-2013 Coupled Physics Inverse Problems International Workshop. January 5-8, 2013, CMM, Santiago, Chile. The focus of the conference was on «coupled-physics» or «hybrid» imaging modalities that have received a lot of attention in recent years due to the great promises they hold for medical imaging and other fields. By combining two or three different types of waves (or physical fields) these methods overcome limitations of classical tomography techniques and deliver otherwise unavailable, potentially life-saving diagnostic information. Besides medical imaging there has been also recent interest on coupled-physics inverse methods in oil exploration in particular on the seismo-electric effect.
- CPIP-2013 Web site
- PASI-CIPPDE-2012 Inverse Problems and PDE Control International Workshop and Summer School. January 16-23, 2012, Santiago, Chile. The aim is to bring together the expertise from participants of both of two recent thematic semesters (MSRI program: inverse problems and applications, August-December 2010 and Control of Partial Differential Equations and Applications Trimester, October-December 2010), fostering the interaction of these fields and the international cooperation between groups throughout the Americas (USA and Latin America) and Europe (France, Finland, Spain, Italy, etc.).
- PASI-CIPPDE-2012 Web site
- OSSAF2012 Towards an Integrated Observing System for South America: air quality assessment and forecasting in Mega cities. Santiago, FCFM, U. De Chile, Enero 9-12, 2012. Actividad conjunta con el Departamento de Geofísica de la Universidad de Chile.
- OSSAF21012 Web site
- AMS-SOMACHI Inverse Problems. 1st AMS-SOMACHI Congress,
December 2010, Pucón, Chile. Thematic Minisimposium.
- CIMPA-2010 CIMPA Research Summer School on Inverse Problems and Applications. Santiago, Chile. January 4-15, 2010. The objective of the CIMPA Summer School and Workshop is to review the state of art of Inverse Problems and to bring together research areas as control theory, inverse problems and optimal design. The workshop presentations and summer school courses will also involve applications in Medicine, Earth/Atmosphere Geophysics, Acoustic, Industrial Design.
- CIMPA-2010 Web site
- WIPA-2010 Workshop on Inverse Problems and Applications. UTFSM, Valparaíso, Chile. January 18-22, 2010.
- WIPA-2010 Web site
- SAEMC-2007 Data assimilation theory and applications in chemical weather forecast. CMM, Santiago, Chile. June 5-7, 2007.
- SAEMC-2007 Web site
- ANCIF-2005 International Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Control of
Fluid-Structure Interactions. Chillán, Chile. December 5-10, 2005.
- ANCIF-2005 Web site
- UMESAM-2004 Workshop de Modelamiento Inverso. Santiago, Chile, CMM, Marzo 29-31, 2004.